Architecture, Multimedia »

Flash vs. Silverlight: a useful technical comparison here at Smashingmagazine. And the winner by category:
Animation – Silverlight
File size – Flash
Scripting – Silverlight
Video/Audio – Silverlight
Sound processing – Flash
Accessibility – Flash
Platform compatibility – Flash
Text representation/SEO – Silverlight
Supported image formats – Flash
Socket programming – Flash
Webcam support – Flash
Deployment – Flash
Windows application – Flash
Media streaming – Silverlight
Other Adobe vs. Microsoft face-offs:
Silverlight vs. Flex C# is a real OO language vs. ActionScript which is not. Flex looks better.
Illustrator vs. Expression Design Expression Design is not a head-to-head competitor with Illustrator as a standalone graphics editor, …
Featured Clients, Multimedia »
I’m currently serving as an advisory board member to Art Technology New England (ATNE), and have conducted a technology review of this exciting organization’s web presence.
Featured, Leadership, Multimedia, The IT Shop »

At Agile Boston’s “Give Thanks for Scrum” at Microsoft in Waltham, Massachusetts, I gave a multimedia performance and a brief talk on innovation. My approach comes from the Harvard Review’s booklet on Managing Creativity and Innovation which I use to organize and evaluate new ideas for business applications.
Multimedia »
Podcamp Boston came to town this week, bearing news of podcasting and social media.
Podcasting is a broad term for online video or audio. It may or may not be consumed on an iPod. Video blogs, marketing trailers, music mixes, instructional videos, and entertainment media can all fall under this umbrella of “podcasting”.
Multimedia »

Dan Hermes Fine Art was featured in one of the hotel design industry’s highest award ceremonies, Boutique Design magazine’s Boutique 18 : 2009. Eighteen boutique hotel designers were awarded on May 15th at Tao restaurant in Las Vegas.
Boutique 18 takes place during the week of the HD Expo 2009, where Dan Hermes Fine Art is also exhibiting. Dan Hermes Fine Art creates moving digital paintings, an exciting new art form which captures the contemporary imagination with motion, color, form, and beauty. Visit for more details.