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Podcasting – Getting Started

19 October 2009 No Comment


Podcamp Boston came to town this week, bearing news of podcasting and social media.

Podcasting is a broad term for online video or audio. It may or may not be consumed on an iPod. Video blogs, marketing trailers, music mixes, instructional videos, and entertainment media can all fall under this umbrella of “podcasting”.

Set up a webcam, video camera, and/or audio recorder with a microphone, and you’re ready to record. More about podcasting gear. Here’s a suggested standard format for your show:

  • intro
  • intro music
  • topic
  • outro
  • outro music

Listeners respond to honesty and passion. You are entertaining as well as providing content. Resources to get you started:

After a podcast is created, distribution becomes important. Accounts at the venues of choice are needed (i.e. YouTube) but once that is set up, these tools facilitate the rest:

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