Headline, Mobile, Xamarin »

Over a year in the making, it’s finally here: my book, Xamarin Mobile Application Development, is now available on Amazon!
Businesses looking to expand into the mobile space or to hone their existing mobile apps need a reliable way to approach cross-platform mobile development. The Xamarin platform provides that way.
This book is a hands-on Xamarin.Forms primer and a cross-platform reference for building native Android, iOS, and Windows Phone apps using C# and .NET. This book explains how to use Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.iOS to build business apps for your customers and …
Events, Headline, Mobile »

Building Mobile Apps for Business
July 17th, 12:00 PM
Presenter: Dan Hermes
Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC)
5th Floor, Conference Room: “Havana” directions
Here are slides from the presentation:
Mobile is for business. Every firm with a web app must now consider the visibility and sales they are losing by not having a mobile version. Every new business or software product is faced with this same concern. Responsive design only gets us so far before it’s time to build a native app for several platforms. How do we build business apps for Android, iOS, and Windows phones …
Agile, Architecture, Headline »

Software development is important to many of us, so we strive to find better ways to do it.
In the late 20th century we spent a great deal of time and money developing requirements and specifications, thinking through each case and documenting possible uses and outcomes. We would plan a glorious plan before beginning development.
Wait, that never happened.
Headline, Leadership, The IT Shop »

At the heart of our country’s founding is the idea that personal integrity is central to our professional success. Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson wrote a lot about it. So what does character have to do with software development?
The recent debacle of Apple Maps offers a clue. If the manager of Apple Maps, Richard Williamson, had the personal integrity to stand up in a high-level meeting and divulge that the project was in jeopardy before the release date, this could have prevented the CEO of Apple, …
Architecture, Featured Clients, Headline »

A HealthcareSource spinoff startup, Healthcaresource.com, enlisted me to help build a new product for them called Sourcing Manager. It’s now done and successfully brought to market. Users are clamoring for demos and signing on to for year-long license contracts. The value this product provides is so significant that users can recoup the costs of the product in a matter of weeks. Not bad, HealthcareSource.
Congratulations Troy Hatlevig and team! Special thanks to Susane, Sindhura, Todd, Heather, Les, and Syrinx Consulting.
Headline, The IT Shop »

It’s easy for a software team to become so mired in their daily concerns that they lose sight of the ball. What is the ball in Softwareball? Let us answer with another question: Why do people work in a software shop?
Most people work in the IT industry because it can be a reliable way to make a living. Making a living requires a paycheck. This paycheck is the difference between hackers coding on their own time and professionals in the software industry. Where does this money come from that ends …
Architecture, Headline »
Cloudcamp came to town this week, an “unconference” on cloud computing. An architecture unworkshop was assembled to address my question:
“How does cloud computing differ architecturally from web services?”
Approximately thirty architects, developers, cloud technology vendors and consultants arrived at the appointed room to discuss the matter. The group’s answer:
The Cloud is a loose term that refers to a paradigm shift as much as an architectural solution. This includes the virtualization of infrastructure and platforms to the Internet, and the hosting of online apps and services. In formal terms: Infrastructure as a …