5/2: Mastering Human Communication Patterns for NEMD
New England Microsoft Developers will feature Dan Hermes as a speaker on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013, 6:30pm in Waltham, MA. He will cover material from his forthcoming books, Softwareball: How to Play as a Team in the Software Industry and How to Interact with People: Human Communication in the Software Industry.
Missed human connections in the software industry account for most of our project failures. Improving communication can dramatically improve individual and team performance.
- Typical Frustrations
- They just don’t get it
- They talked at you for an hour and made no sense
- That meeting was like a construction committee for the Tower of Babel
In the same way that programming languages have interfaces and design patterns, so do human beings. Problems that appear technical in nature can usually be traced back to failed interactions between people.
We’ll explore:
- The human interface in the software shop and key patterns of communication. At both the individual and departmental levels
- Examine techniques for how to listen to and understand others
- How to be heard and understood yourself.
About the Presenter
Dan Hermes is a sought-after speaker and advisor to dozens of software-building organizations, including Fidelity, EDS, Burst Media, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Computerworld Magazine. He teaches .NET architecture, Microsoft development, and software shop strategy nationwide. A practiced Renaissance Man, Mr. Hermes has composed music played on National Public Radio and exhibited his audiovisual artwork internationally. He has served on the boards of the Institute of Management Consultants, the Independent Computer Consultant’s Association, and is currently director of Art Technology New England(ATNE).
He is writing a book entitled How to Interact with People: Human Communication in the Software Industry and is the principal of the software consulting firm Lexicon Systems.